Dark Comedy

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    Dark Comedy Sarina Nihei

    Small People with Hats

    In case the title didn't make it evidently clear - this IS a film about small people with hats. An award-winning, festival favourite from Royal College of Art graduate Sarina Nihei

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    Comedy Jason Kupfer


    A pair of home invaders consider their potential character choices just prior to their planned invasion.

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    Dark Comedy Emma De Swaef & Marc James Roels

    Oh Willy...

    Forced to return to his naturist roots, Willy bungles his way into noble savagery - 'Oh Willy' is an animated festival-favourite made entirely from wool.

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    Dark Comedy Olly Williams

    The Fly

    A getaway driver waiting outside a bank robbery has three nerve shredding minutes to get through before his crew returns. All he has to do is focus..

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    Dark Comedy Nicolas Albrecht & 6 Others

    Tombes & Manèges

    In his isolated cemetery, a lumbering gravedigger tries to amuse his son in this stylish animated short with an emotional kicker.

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    Dark Comedy Svilen Dimitrov

    Rew Day

    The story of a man's unexpected demise is told in reverse in this striking animated short from Bulgaria.

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    Dark Comedy Connor Hurley

    The Going Away Party

    With a broken nose, a grandmother convinced he's autistic and a psychiatrist saying he's depressed, Connor sees only one way out: suicide.

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    Dark Comedy James P. Gannon

    Smoke Bomb Boys

    The f***ing story of the Smoke Bomb Boys. F***ing shit up… hard.

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    Dark Comedy Andrew Laurich

    A Reasonable Request

    A desperate son reconnects with his estranged father to ask an unspeakable favor that will change their lives forever.

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